Coming Home...for the First Time

Coming Home...for the First Time

When my friend Home first introduced me to the idea of sitting in silence and stillness, I was skeptical and a little confused.

At the time I was a chronic doer. I found my worth and value in being “busy” all the time.

The thought of stopping even for a second didn’t make any sense to me.

Why would anyone want to do that?

What could I possibly get from closing my eyes doing nothing?

I didn’t get it.

Overcoming My Resistance to Create

Overcoming My Resistance to Create

I had been dancing with resistance for almost two days trying to come up with what I wanted to write for this blog post.

Writing my last post was such a personal and powerful experience for me and it received such a positive response, that I was trying to replicate that experience with this one which, of course, is impossible.

I was struggling is an understatement.



When I started this blog last July, I didn't really have a plan other than feeling this strong pull to write about something I'm passionate about. And the crazy thing is I’m essentially writing about doing nothing.

I knew I didn’t want to load you with more information but rather invite you to let go of all the information we’re bombarded with every day and give you an opportunity to experience what's left.

What's left is…YOU.

How often do we honour and celebrate that?

Not enough…in my opinion.

Live in the "Gap"

Live in the "Gap"

It has been quoted that humans have anywhere between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.

With 95% of those thoughts being repeated day to day and 80% of those thoughts being negative or self-destructive.

Needless to say, we think a lot of thoughts per day that don’t necessarily serve us.

To Hold Space is to Listen

To Hold Space is to Listen

There’s an amazing gift you receive when someone has the capacity to hold space for you...but even more so is the gift when you are able to hold space for YOU.

What does this mean?

Holding space means creating room for all of you…your highs and your lows, your light and your shadow, your gifts and your flaws, your strengths and your weaknesses...and everything in between.

Allowing all this the room it needs to breathe within your awareness.