In preparation to write this blog, as with the others, I rely on my quiet practice to not get seduced by diminishing thoughts that 'I'm out of ideas for my blog', 'who am I to be writing this blog', 'no one wants to hear what I have to say,' yada, yada, yada.
I face these voices every time I stare at a blank page, feeling a little anxious that inspiration will not come, but I've learned to not take these thoughts too personally.
I get that these thoughts want to protect me but I choose to love them and let them go…every time.
So here I am at Cartems Donuts with a yummy GF salted caramel donut and decaf almond milk latte (need some fuel to meet my muse), trusting that the blank page I'm looking at right now is only temporary. I breathe deep, listening to Lionel Richie playing in the background, and wait...
Here goes...
When I started this blog last July, I didn't really have a plan other than feeling this strong pull to write about something I'm passionate about. And the crazy thing is I’m essentially writing about doing nothing.
I knew I didn’t want to load you with more information but rather invite you to let go of all the information we’re bombarded with every day and give you an opportunity to experience what's left.
What's left is…YOU.
How often do we honour and celebrate that?
Not enough…in my opinion.
In the early part of my life, I was driven.
I strived to be someone, to accomplish, to have, to know.
But my appetite grew stronger and no matter what I did, I couldn’t satisfy the hunger.
My identity was wrapped around things outside of me and I wasn’t at ease.
I was a ball of knots and I couldn’t figure out how to unravel it.
So I switched directions…from going out to going in.
The journey inwards really boils down to one word…
It’s what we’re made of.
It’s the discovery of our capacity to give and receive LOVE.
The depth of which is bottomless.
But what is LOVE?
It’s difficult to articulate in words because it’s more a feeling…but I’m gonna to try.
LOVE, I have discovered is…
A feeling of holding my arms wide open and receiving with the most vulnerable part of me, all that life sends my way, good or bad.
But it’s also…
An Unraveling
A Free Fall
A feeling of my nerve-endings being exposed and resisting the urge to shrink away for protection.
It’s all of these and more...and it feels f#$king incredible.
When we choose to both LOVE and be LOVED, our cup is always full…
…actually, it’s overflowing.
We are fed and fuelled from the inside.
We engage with Life with sense of softness in our bodies and in our hearts.
When we honour and celebrate the deep deep LOVE that lies within us…
…every moment matters.
Copyright © Photo by Eileen Cruz - Spring Blossoms, Kitsilano