What does it mean to "come home to the space between"?

To come home to the space between means to return to a familiar place within that we may have forgotten about but that exists between our thoughts, our words and our actions. It's the place that brings mind, heart and body into alignment so that we can create life moments rooted in our deepest truth.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”
— Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

What does a MEDITATION coaching session look like?

At the start of each call, I invite you into a few minutes of silence and stillness as a way to help you transition from everyday life and into the space between. This slows down your brain waves from beta to alpha which gets you out of the everyday reactive survival state we live in and into a more creative one. As you consistently practice this transition, it becomes easier to identify when you’re surviving or when you’re thriving.

In the space between, you are cultivating the habit of being so you can watch and listen to your inner world without judgement. Like you would watching the sunset, the waves crashing on the beach or the flames of a campfire. But in this case, it's directing that focus inwards. It's about simply hanging out with yourself and discovering that beyond your fears, boredom, impatience and discomfort, there's something within you that is absolutely worth your time and attention.

Once you’ve settled into this calm creative state, you start to notice the thought loops that you live by on a daily basis. You also see the connection between these familiar thought loops and the life you’re creating and living in the moment. If you’re not happy with what you’re experiencing in your outer world, discomfort sets in. Most people feel stuck, believe things can’t change, give up altogether and settle for a mediocre life, or worse, a stress-filled life. But every time you return to the space between, you develop the mental muscle to alter these thought loops in your favor in real time. This shift in your inner landscape directly affects your experience of the outer world.

I guide you into another meditation during the session that I create on the spot for you that further strengthens your mental muscle to shift perspectives in real time. I record this meditation which you can practice in between sessions. Based on what we may be discussing in the call, I will oftentimes give you journal prompts which you’ll also have an opportunity to expand on in between sessions.

My intention is to help you deepen your capacity to hold space for all of you in the space between. When you gain a broader view of yourself as you remain in a calm creative state, it’s so much easier to make choices in alignment with your truth, your purpose, your passion…which is a life built on the foundation of love, not fear.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
— Albert Einstein

Will this be challenging?

Yes, but also empowering. As your coach, I will hold you accountable to what you commit to. There's no hiding. You have to be prepared to be called out of your resistance. You’ll be facing yourself, especially the parts you've denied and ignored, and that can be uncomfortable at times. But you will be guided to hold space for all of you with ease, love and compassion.

What will YOU walk away with?

  1. You find your true voice. You discover your purpose for being here.

  2. You learn to enjoy your own company. You’re soothed by an inner presence that you’re eager to return to. This inner connection enriches how you show up in your relationships with others.

  3. You experience adversity with your heart and body open. You are softened by life and no longer hardened by it. You choose acceptance and forgiveness over defense.

  4. You receive love, abundance and joy in ways you may have never imagined. You start to question preconceived limitations and you dare to look beyond them.

  5. You discover what inner peace means to you. You know what it feels like in your body and you learn to return to it with ease.

  6. You are surprised and delighted by the people, situations and opportunities you attract into your life with minimal effort.

  7. You settle into your natural state of gratitude for simply being alive.

What is the cost?

Please fill out the form below or send me an email at home@spacebetween.life for more details. 

Copyright © Photo by Eileen Cruz - Sunrise in Hanalei, Kauai