Imagine a place where you could practice setting aside your personality, labels, facades, masks long enough to discover the worth that is within you, regardless of what you do and what you have.


Imagine owning and embodying the fullness that’s already inside you and witnessing how that miraculously changes how you relate to everything and everyone around you.

Imagine what that would feel like in your body.

Imagine what it would be like to breathe easy because of it.

I want to offer you a little something different. 

While everyone is feeding you more stuff, my intention is to help you strip away all that stuff in order to find the ENOUGH that is within you.

I believe everything we need is already in us. 

Nothing outside of us can ever be a substitute for it. 


We're born with it.

The love, happiness, health, creativity, peace and abundance we seek are all sourced from within. 

It’s the only place we need to look despite all the noise we've been conditioned to believe.

My mission is to reconnect you to your deep well of quiet amazingness...

...that you can FEEL in your bones.

It’s right here waiting for you when you come home to the SPACE BETWEEN.



Copyright © Photo by Eileen Cruz - Pacific Spirit Regional Park, Vancouver